Message from Bonnie:
Placer County is one of the best places to live and work in Northern California. Our business-friendly environment, beautiful parks and abundant employment opportunities contribute to our wonderful quality of life. Like every community, we face immense challenges and I am honored to serve on the Board of Supervisors as our county navigates them.
Homelessness, crime, and affordable housing are key issues that must be addressed proactively and aggressively if we are to maintain the quality of life which has made our community a desired location in which to live and establish a business.
To accomplish this, we must work collaboratively with stakeholders in our community. I pledge to continue working with you, our residents, as well as law enforcement, business owners, and elected leaders to find real solutions sooner.
My goal is to ensure we have a future that provides a safe, livable, and prosperous community with jobs and opportunity for our residents. I appreciate your input.